Convenience is a key factor to consider when searching for an apartment. Many renters base their apartment choice on amenities like a reliable security alarm or an on-site dog spa, but for others, convenience comes before all else. After all, nearby neighborhood attractions and convenient apartment amenities do sound alluring.
Let’s uncover amenities and characteristics that will bring a little comfort into your life because, let’s be honest, we could all use more of that.
Proximity to Work
Long drives into work are a joy, right? Not so much. Everyone aspires to have a short commute to work, and if they don’t, they must not be sitting in the same traffic as we are. Short commutes mean less time in the car or on public transportation and more time sleeping, at home with family, or out on the town with friends.
Selecting an apartment that is close to work is a convenience factor to consider that will make your life so much easier. In fact, many studies have confirmed a link between the time you spend commuting and how content you are at work. To ease your suffering from the ever-dreaded long commute, try using the “Plan My Commute” tool on The site will automatically draw a polygon around the apartments that fit your desired specifications, and voila! You’ve found apartments close to work. Congratulations, my friend.
Public Transportation
Whether you don’t have a vehicle, prefer to take public transportation, or are a frequent flyer (a traveling salesman of sorts), it’s vital that public transit be located near your apartment. After you’ve selected apartments you’re interested in, look around the area to decipher which apartments are near bus stops, subway stations, railways, and airports to make your decision clear when it comes time to select your new home.
The easier it is to travel from one place to the next from your home, the more you’ll want to get out and adventure through your city!
Walkable Streets
Whether you enjoy long walks with your dog or going for a morning run, walkable streets qualify as a convenient characteristic for an apartment complex in our books. It’s a drag to have to drive to a destination in order to walk your pooch or go for a jog, so wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do those things after stepping out of your front door? Imagine paved sidewalks outside of your apartment building or complex with manicured landscaping (if paved along grassy areas) and pedestrian-friendly crosswalks along the road. Walkable streets not only make for a safer neighborhood, but they add to the convenience of your new apartment.
So your daily exercise is taken care of with this convenience factor, but what if you could walk to a local restaurant or some shopping destinations right from your apartment? Walkable streets are sounding pretty good right about now!
Neighborhood Attractions
In order to walk to nearby locations, your apartment needs to exist in a neighborhood that has local attractions that you’d want to visit. It’s always convenient when restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues are just minutes from your apartment.
Save yourself a thirty-minute drive into town and find an apartment that has its own excitement just minutes from your home. There are many neighborhood attractions to consider other than restaurants and retailers, of course. Schools, supermarkets, convenience stores, banks, fitness centers, and gas stations are all attractions you should consider when looking for your convenient apartment.
Valet Trash
When it comes to apartment amenities, it is more than convenient to have a company pick up your trash from your front door. No more lugging leaky trash bags into your car and to your apartment’s trash bins. Simply tie your trash bag and place the trash can outside of your front door at the recommended times. This convenient amenity is something to consider when searching for your ideal apartment if you’d like to avoid the dredge to the trash chute and let a professional do the job.
On-Site Maintenance
Speaking of convenient amenities, it’s always handy to have your handy man at your apartment as soon as possible when there’s a problem that needs fixing. Don’t wait around weeks for your dishwasher to be fixed or your kitchen light to be replaced. Instead, choose an apartment that offers quick and easy on-site maintenance to make apartment life as hassle-free as possible!