woman staring into a closet of brightly colored clothing

After months of searching, you’ve finally found your dream apartment — granite countertops, high ceilings, hardwood floors — the works! But there’s only one problem: the closet is small. Here are some small closet ideas to help you transform this tiny space into the ultimate storage solution.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

Having a capsule wardrobe is a minimalistic trend that could allow you to declutter and focus on quality pieces for a dynamic style. Go through your closet and get rid of any clothing that you don’t wear, doesn’t fit, or simply doesn’t make you feel your best. Select pieces that are dynamic and will allow you to create multiple combinations. Aim for about 25 to 35 pieces total that you can wear. Pro tip: you can donate the items you don’t keep to local donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army and get a tax receipt for deductions!

This strategy is not for everyone, so if you can’t see yourself being limited to 35 pieces, you can create a capsule for each season of the year. Store each season in containers underneath your bed or stack the boxes in your closet. Also, remember that once you have defined your capsule wardrobe, consider using the one-in, one-out rule: for every new purchase, get rid of an old item.

Invest in Better Hangers

People are surprised by how much the type of hangers you use can influence the look of your closet. Those wooden hangers look chic, but they may not be the best option for your closet. Look into buying hangers that will help you gain more space. Thin hangers, multipurpose pant hangers, and stackable hangers are just a few examples of the types of hangers that can help you get even more space.

Add Rental-Friendly Shelving and Storage

The appropriate shelving can make or break the organization and feel of your closet. But, unless your landlord is okay with slight upgrades, you can’t drill in extra shelves and storage space. Elevate and measure how much space you have underneath your hanging clothes. Afterward, you can determine if a small dresser, shoe rack, or another storage method will work in your closet space

If your closet has enough space, you can add a storage cube system below that doesn’t attach to the wall. These storage systems come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Ikea, Target, and the Container Store all have excellent storage solutions for shoes, purses, accessories, and more. If you want to get even more organized, you can use fabric or wicker baskets inside the cubes to use them like drawers. You can also purchase removable shelf dividers that attach to the shelving system you already have to help make bulky items like sweaters and hoodies look neat.

Use Door Space

Using the inside of a closet door for storage is a great strategy for squeezing out some space. Over-the-door storage units can be used to hold small items such as belts, scarves, clutches, and sunglasses. If you have a lot of hats or handbags, you can also space out heavy-duty removable hooks to fit your collection.

Create a Centerpiece

Don’t feel like all of your clothing items have to be tucked away and out of sight. Displaying items will not only save space, but it will look like a chic, intentional interior design choice. Use a free-standing clothing rack or an étagère and select the unique, colorful, elegant, or bold pieces that also complement the space.

Hopefully, these closet storage ideas have inspired you to transform your small closet into the tidy, organized wardrobe to match the rest of your dream apartment. One of the positives of having a smaller space is that you are forced to get creative, so don’t be afraid to unleash your inner professional organizer until you finally have a space you’re excited to use every day.

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Jamia Kenan

Hi, I'm Jamia! I have moved over 10 times in my life, so I'm a little bit of a modern-day nomad. Writing is my first love, but I also enjoy traveling, trying new restaurants, snapping photos, and watching Netflix. 

Jamia Kenan
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