Woman surrounded by moving boxes.

Thinking about moving? Take our moving quiz to find out if you should pack up and go or stay in your spot!

1. The space in my current apartment is:

A. Space? Isn't that where Jupiter is? Because I don’t have any in my apartment. B. My bathroom is the seventh door on the left, don’t get lost! C. I manage with smart furniture solutions and lack of hoarding.

2. My apartment’s location is:

A. Not exactly close to work or the hotspots, because it’s affordable. B. Close to work and the hotspots, and I pay for it. C. Not too far and not too close from where I need to go.

3. My living situation can be described as:

A. I’m alone a lot and/or am slightly annoyed with my roommate. B. I have a roommate, but we have enough space to not get in one another’s way OR I live alone and love it. C. Peaceful.

4. Something that comes to mind nearly every day is:

A. Would that be a nice place to live? I ask that whenever I see a “For Rent” sign on a building around town. B. Ah, home is where the heart is. C. Maybe I should spruce up my place…

5. My dream apartment would be:

A. A lot different than my current apartment: bigger, more stylish, more privacy, and closer to work/play. B. The HGTV dream home. C. Slightly more spacious than what I’ve got and with better laundry facilities.

6. When I think of moving I think:

A. What time, I’m ready. B. Again? Nah, I’m sick of moving. C. Sore back and new opportunities.

7. My life quality would be better in a new place:

A. 100% true, it couldn’t get worse. B. Sure, if you’re talking penthouse suites otherwise I’m doing pretty well. C. I’m sure it could be but, I struggle with the idea of packing up and taking another chance.

8. I’m willing to pay more for:

A. A step up. B. I think I’m already maxed out. C. Something that ticks another couple mandatory boxes.


If you answered mostly A's, you’re best off moving, my friend. You may have found your place in a hurry or settled because the price was right, but based on your answers, your quality of life is affected by your current apartment. Make a list of the items that you currently don’t have but desperately want, and use that as your guide for finding your new apartment. Oh, and start packing.

If you answered mostly B's, you’re in a pretty good situation. You may be paying a high premium price, however, for the place you’ve got. Ask yourself, are you charging up credit card debt that you struggle to keep up with? Are you tempted by the fun right outside your door, and often spend because it’s just so close? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? If you answered yes to these questions, you may want to consider moving to an up-and-coming neighborhood. There, you can find the upgraded amenities you’re used to but at a lower price so that you don’t drown living the Champagne-Wishes lifestyle.

If you answered mostly C’s, you could easily go either way. Your place isn’t horrible and it’s not fabulous either. To determine whether or not to move, you need to ask yourself if your top five needs are met. For example mine would be:

  1. Relatively close to work/play
  2. Likable roommate
  3. Enough space to keep from going insane
  4. Accessible laundry
  5. Easily accessed outdoor space

Whatever your top five are, if they are met, you shouldn't move unless the price is killing you. If your top five are not met, it can’t hurt to search for a better place because I promise you…there is one.

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We’re the Apartments.com Team, a group of writers and editors dedicated to delivering helpful, relevant content for renters. From the moment you find your apartment and throughout the leasing process, to living your best rental life and then moving on when it’s time to leave your apartment behind, we’re here for you.

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