A white apartment community

Are you a commitment-phobe? Do you find yourself thinking the grass is always greener on the other side? Have you moved four times in the last five or six years? Then maybe you ought to consider settling some roots (albeit mini roots) in an apartment for longer term. Here’s why.

1. Rent Control.

Landlords prefer long-term renters because -- let's face it -- having an apartment sit empty, clean-up costs, and the effort of advertising and showing a place costs money, time, and resources. By choosing to lease long-term, you'll gain some negotiating power. Set rent control with your landlord by two or more years and save yourself some major cash—and the headache of a move!

2. Reliable Address.

Whether it’s for your mail, your background checks, or your peace of mind, having a reliable address for a couple of years will do your mind and body some good.

3. Special Status.

Long-term renters are much more likely to get special perks from their landlords/property managers. Perhaps you want to paint your place—the longer you stay, the more likely you’ll be able to paint. Perhaps you feel the place needs better landscaping, you want an upgraded parking spot or a larger storage bin—all things you’re more likely to get the longer you stay.

4. Priority.

Your property managers most likely won’t admit it, but they give priority to their long-standing renters. From fixing a leaky faucet to upgrading amenities, you’ll be much higher in line.

5. Forgiveness.

Late on rent one month or needing to suddenly break your contract—yep you guessed it, the longer you've rented at one single property, the more forgiveness you’ll get. Let’s face it, the new kid on the block is never to be trusted, right?

What’s the longest you've rented at one property? What benefits did you see?

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We’re the Apartments.com Team, a group of writers and editors dedicated to delivering helpful, relevant content for renters. From the moment you find your apartment and throughout the leasing process, to living your best rental life and then moving on when it’s time to leave your apartment behind, we’re here for you.

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