Person walking on a treadmill facing a window.

According to, health-related fitness goals are the most popular goals in America. More and more people are hitting the gym in preparation for swimsuit season, which means the gym is going to become more and more crowded. With the gym filling up, now is a great time to brush up on proper gym etiquette. Here’s what you need to know on gym etiquette in your apartment complex:

Follow the Rules

First and foremost, adhere to the stated rules of the gym. Virtually every apartment community will have rules posted on the door or somewhere within the room. If you don’t know the rules of the gym, ask the management staff to go over them with you. Rules are enforced to keep residents safe and made to preserve the equipment and space.

Don’t Bring Multiple Guests to Facility

If guests are allowed, a workout buddy should be no problem – especially during slow hours. However, bringing more than one person with you to a community gym is a big no-no. Unlike regular gyms, an apartment gym isn’t nearly as capable of holding so many people. Keep the machines open for other renters by sticking to one gym companion.

Music Should Be on Low Volume

Larger gyms ask their patrons to use earphones while listening to music – and so should you at the apartment community gym. Blasting music will only annoy others working out around you and that’s not very neighborly.

Bring a Towel

There’s nothing worse than walking up to a machine only to find a puddle of sweat left behind by the previous user. Some communities may supply disinfecting wipes to keep the equipment clean. But if they don’t, please bring a towel to sit on and clean up the workout station.

Don’t Hog the Machine

Most apartment gyms have everything you need to work out core areas of the body. That being said, because of their size, there may not be a lot of the same machines to go around. If that’s the case, be courteous and mindful of the time spent on the equipment so others may have a turn. Cardio machines, such as stationary bikes and treadmills, are extremely popular at gyms and have a long wait time; max your workout to 30 minutes so other residents can use them.

Put Free Weights Back

In a smaller gym, it’s even more necessary to keep the space neat and orderly. After using weights, fitness balls and mats, be sure to put them back in their proper place so others can find them. It’s also nice to take weights off the bars for the next person, just in case they can’t lift as much.

Keep Noise Down

Because apartment gyms are typically adjacent to the clubhouse or near apartments, try to keep the noise down to a minimum so you don’t disturb neighbors. Refrain from dropping weights on the floor and loud talking.

Turn Things off Before Leaving

Residents play a significant role in the upkeep and maintenance of the facility. If no one else is inside the gym, be kind a turn off the lights and TV. Close door after exiting.  

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