
Hopefully you'll never have to deal with your apartment being broken into. However, it can happen to anyone living in any type of neighborhood or apartment complex. Hopefully you will already be prepared for the financial aspect of a break-in by having a renters insurance policy to cover any damaged or stolen items.

Beyond that, if your apartment is ever broken into, here are ten basic steps you should follow:

1. Stay Calm

The first step is to keep a level head. Whether you were there when it happened, if it is still in progress, or if you come home to find evidence of the break-in afterward, stay as calm as possible.

2. Be Safe

If there is any possibility the thief could still be on the premises, leave immediately.

3. Report the Crime

Once you are in a safe location, call the police.

4. Survey the Scene

Once the police are there, look over your apartment to document what has been taken or damaged. If you have any pets, check them over for injury. Put them in a secure location while the police are there.

5. Document and Report the Damage

Let the authorities know what has been taken. Report anything that is missing or damaged, including damage to the door, windows or fixtures. If any credit, debit or ATM cards have been stolen, call and cancel them.

6. Contact Your Property Manger and/or Landlord

After the police have gone, notify the landlord or manager. Request that any damage to doors or windows be fixed as soon as possible. Ask what steps might be taken to prevent future break-ins.

7. Talk to the Neighbors

Ask your neighbors if they saw anything unusual around the neighborhood or your apartment. Inform them about your break-in.

8. Contact your Insurance Provider

Once you have your full list of stolen or damaged personal items, contact your renters insurance provider (if you have one) and file a claim. Provide them with a full and detailed list of the stolen and damaged property.

9. De-Stress

Being robbed is a traumatic event. You will probably feel violated and somewhat fearful those first few nights back in your place after a break-in. Talk to friends and take it easy on yourself as you process what has happened. Clean up the signs of the break-in as soon as possible so it will be easier to resume your life. If anxiety persists, seek professional counseling.

10. Reduce Future Break-In Risk

With your apartment manager, determine what can be done to avoid future break-ins and be more secure in your home. Always lock your windows and doors while you are away. Leave a light on in the evenings while you're out to give the appearance of someone at home. Hide valuables. Make a video inventory of all of your valuables for future reference. Consider a home security system.

While an apartment break-in can happen in any neighborhood, there are steps you can take to get through it and reduce the risk of it happening in the future. Follow these ten steps, be safe, and get back to enjoying your life.

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