Two people handing over a holiday gift wrapped with a red bow

Do you have all of your holiday shopping done? The majority of us can’t get everything done on Black Friday or during Cyber Week, so I’ll assume it’s safe to say you still have some items to check off of your list. Don’t worry—I’m right there with you. Now that you’ve bought (or at least thought of) gifts for your family members, significant other, and close friends, it’s time to consider the other important people in your life: the people who keep your community organized and running, fix your leaky sink, deliver your mail, and deal with the noise of your barking dog, crying baby, or late-night get-togethers. 

Those people would be no other than the members of your apartment community! This group includes your property manager or landlord, leasing agents, mail carriers, maintenance workers, security guard, and neighbors. It's both appropriate and thoughtful to give gifts to those who live in or work for your apartment community. After all, it’s time to spread some holiday cheer! 

If you’re a renter considering holiday gift giving in your apartment community, pay attention to these suggestions—a gift-giving guide, if you will—for properly giving holiday gifts around your complex this year and every year to come. 

If you want to be selective, be selective. 

You may not have a desire or feel the need to gift numerous individuals in your apartment community. We understand! Gifting is expensive, especially during the holiday season when you’re buying for a lot of people at once. 

If you only want to give a gift to your property manager or landlord who helped you land a unit in your awesome apartment community, or to your neighbor across the hall that you know best, go for it! Any gift is a nice gesture. Don’t feel like you’re leaving people out. No one expects you to buy a gift for everyone—avoid going overboard! Gift how you want, how much you want, and to whom you want. 

Consider giving work-relevant gifts.

It’s common for renters to gift apartment personnel based on how well they know each person and how much each person has done for them. While that’s understandable, keep in mind that some employees do a lot in the background, potentially providing loyal service longer than others. 

What would be a work-relevant gift?

It’s always nice to give each person a small gift, and even better, a gift that’s relevant to the work they do for the apartment community. For instance, if you’re gifting the security guard, maintenance worker, or mail carrier, a nice pair of gloves, warm hat, or scarf is appropriate since they are often working outdoors. If you’re gifting a property manager or leasing agent, consider a personalized name tag for their desk, office décor, or a coffee mug to keep at their desk! 

Chocolate candy brittle

Some more affordable options:

Even though these people help keep your apartment community running smoothly, you may not be able to afford a specific gift for them after holiday shopping for all your friends and family. Don’t worry; there are plenty of alternative gift ideas.  

If you enjoy baking, consider baking a patch of holiday cookies and making a little goodie bag for each person. Another great idea is picking up some candy at the store or an inexpensive bottle of wine. Both items are much appreciated during the holidays and will show the workers of your community that you were thinking of them and appreciate all of their hard work this year! 

Remember - it's not mandatory.

Don’t feel like you need to give everyone you know in your apartment community a holiday gift. Whether you’re on a budget, extremely busy, not particularly fond of your neighbors or leasing office staff, or you just don’t want to put thought into that many gifts, it’s okay not to hand out gifts to everyone. If you’d rather avoid this cheerful tradition, feel free to do so. It’ll save you some time, money, and energy this holiday season. 

Try pooling cash and group gifting.

If a Scrooge-like mentality isn’t your thing and you feel the need (or genuinely want) to give gifts in your apartment community, consider pooling cash and group gifting. Though pooling cash doesn’t sound very classy, it’s actually a great idea. After all, who doesn't like money? 

Remember when Ross (the guy from Friends… not your strange uncle) moved into a new apartment, and his new neighbors, specifically the President of the Tenants Committee, requested he pay a cash sum to add to the pool of money they were gifting to their apartment community’s retiring handyman? If you don’t get this long-winded reference—may I suggest a Netflix binge after figuring out your plan for holiday gift giving? 

Anyway, pooling cash is actually a great way to group gift, especially if you live in a smaller apartment complex. Though, maybe don’t ask the guy who moved in three hours ago—he probably won’t like it. Also, if there are 50+ units in your building or community, this will likely be too difficult to arrange. 

How do you pool cash?

If you can manage, ask your neighbors and fellow tenants what they think about giving a certain amount of cash to add to the pool—this pool will be split among the apartment community personnel. An easy way to ask them is simply leaving notes on your neighbors’ doors or if you see them walking around the community go up and ask them. Your property manager, other leasing office staff, and maintenance workers will be appreciative! Your mail carrier, however, will not be included in this pool split because they’re not actually apartment personnel, but rather government employees, so it’s best to give them a separate, individual gift if you wish. And if you’re a tenant who gets a lot, I mean A LOT of mail (you know who you are), it’s a nice gesture! 

If giving out cash as a gift doesn’t suit your fancy, you can still do the lump sum cash concept, but rather than giving the apartment personnel the cash (or a prepaid credit or gift card), you and your neighbors can agree on gifts for each of the employees and base the cash amount needed by each tenant accordingly. This gives group gifting a more personal touch, if that’s what you’re after this holiday season. 

several nicely wrapped packages

Avoid over-gifting.

In attempt to spread holiday cheer and appreciation for others, many people go overboard when it comes to holiday gifting. And when you’re considering gifting numerous people in your apartment community, this can become overwhelming.

Do not—I repeat, do not—spend more than you can afford on gifting others. Remember, it’s the thought that counts! Your gifts don’t need to be grand gestures, but rather simple gifts of appreciation during the most wonderful time of the year. Don’t think too much into it. Any gift is likely appreciated by the apartment personnel and your fellow tenants. Gifting is wonderful, but so is being able to pay your rent.

The more the merrier!

If the holidays are your favorite time of year, and you have plenty of funds for gift giving, then be my guest! Everyone loves receiving a holiday gift – it makes us feel loved, appreciated, and thankful during the chilly winter months. 

Good luck with gifting in your apartment community, and most of all— happy holidays, my fellow renters. 


This article was originally published on December 19, 2019 and has been updated.

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Megan Bullock

Hi, I'm Megan Bullock, a seasoned writer with years of experience in both sides of the rental industry. I focus on answering your questions about renting, as well as property ownership and management, in the hopes of making life as a renter or a landlord a bit easier. 

Megan Bullock and her cat
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