A small apartment with a large bookcase

Maybe you have too much stuff, too much space (that needs to be filled with extra stuff), too many bills, an empty nest, and/or you want to invest more of your money elsewhere. Whatever your reasoning, you’ve decided it’s time to move out of that big house and into a small(er) apartment.

Apartment living has plenty of perks—from not having to worry about maintenance issues to zero HOA fees. But how do you adjust to such a different living situation than the one you’re currently in? It might take some getting used to, whether you’re adjusting to leaving behind a grassy backyard or to living in a nest without your baby birds, but it’s nothing you can’t manage. Figuring out how to downsize is just a part of the process of moving. And while every move is different, that also makes them a little the same in their own way.

How to Move into an Apartment from a House 

While you may be accustomed to living in a house, moving into an apartment will likely save you money in the long run—especially if your rent costs less than your mortgage, affording you extra cash to pay off any other debts faster.

Finding an apartment has never been easier. The most challenging part of moving out of your house and into an apartment will be any mental hurdles you encounter. You have made countless memories while living in your house, after all. You’ll have to part with the things and stuff that once served you well. What’s that popular phrase everyone knows? Saying goodbye is always super smooth sailing? No, saying goodbye can be akin to learning how to sail in the Bermuda Triangle. You know parts of this will be difficult. Brace yourself.

Another part of the process worth bracing yourself for is the actual apartment search. Decide what the most important aspects of your next apartment will be. Know where you’re willing to be flexible and where you are not (or, be flexibly rigid—whatever floats your boat/paddles your canoe/I’m full of boat references). Knowing what your minimum square footage or bedroom count is will only be helpful while downsizing your belongings.

How to Downsize Your Home Fast

Once you have set parameters on what you’re looking for in your next apartment, you can speed up the process of downsizing. If you know you’re going to be furnishing a one-bedroom apartment, what to keep and what to give away becomes crystal clear—at least furniture-wise (get rid of that glass table with the sharp edges collecting unclear smudge marks every time you look at it). Any additional bedroom furniture, other than the one bedroom, can go. Will your dining room table set fit in a 700-square-foot apartment? If you’re not willing to part with your current set, what size living area does your new apartment need to have to accommodate it? Be sure to measure all of your must-have furniture pieces to make sure everything you want to take with you can fit into your new space.

After you settle on which appropriately sized pieces of furniture you’ll be taking with you, consider using the KonMari Method to quicken your downsizing pace. The KonMari Method—developed by professional-organizing consultant and best-selling author Marie Kondo—encourages a distinct chronology: start with clothing, then move onto books, papers, miscellaneous items, and end with sentimental items. Using this thoughtful method, you keep what speaks to your heart and discard what no longer sparks joy. You thank discarded items for their service and let them go. If you want a quick dose of inspiration, consider watching an episode or five of Marie Kondo’s Netflix show.


What to Keep When You Downsize

When downsizing, only keep the items that continue to serve you well and/or bring you joy. The end result should be a mix of necessities and items you truly love. One aspect to consider is what amenities will be included in your new apartment community (you might have forgotten but apartmenities are the bee’s knees). If your new home offers an on-site gym, you may want to get rid of your stationary bike. If your unit doesn’t come with a washer and dryer but does come with washer-and-dryer hookups, you might want to bring your washer and dryer with you.

Should you be having trouble deciding what you want to keep (hey, maybe everything you own brings you joy), picture what you want your life to look like in your new apartment. Is your new space sleek and minimalist? Or is it a cozy, condensed version of your current home? Really visualize it. Maybe you don’t need all that much. Or perhaps you have wiggle room in your budget for a slightly larger apartment that can squeeze in your beloved sectional couch.

If you’re set on moving into a studio apartment (or smaller), make sure that you move with pieces of furniture that double as storage or serve multiple purposes. Multi-functional furniture is one of the best ways to maximize space in a small apartment. Consider keeping any freestanding storage options you currently own as well. Trade your mortgage for more storage!


Home Downsizing Checklist

Refer to this checklist at any point during your downsizing mission to see if you’re forgetting anything:

  • Know what style and size apartment you’re moving into
  • Measure all the furniture pieces you want to take with you
  • Prioritize multi-functional furniture pieces (especially in smaller apartments) and freestanding storage options/shelves
  • Evaluate what clothing you want to keep and get rid of
  • Go through all of your books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items
  • Consider any included amenities in your new apartment community
  • Picture what you want your new apartment to look like if you’re ever stuck in your decision-making process

Getting organized is your best bet when planning to downsize your home. Nothing feels insurmountable once you’ve broken the largest task down into manageable steps. If you’re reading this article, you’re already planning ahead. Go on and live that minimalist lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of. Minimize to optimize your new space!

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Shannon Jones

Hello, I'm Shannon Jones. I write about renter issues and various cities for Apartments.com. I am almost always reading. Send me your renter problems and triumphs (and book recommendations) on Twitter @ShanJonesin

Shannon Jones
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