What to Consider When Moving to a Small Town Do you prefer the activity, culture, and nightlife of the big city or the laid-back, quieter... Category Find Topic Cities & Neighborhoods
Everything You Need to Know About Apartment Background Checks Summary: A background check for an apartment may only take 48-72 hours, but those hours can be... Category Find Topic Application Process
What Is a Furnished Apartment? A furnished apartment is an apartment that comes with the furniture you’ll need to live in the space... Category Find Topic Rental Types
What Is a Loft Apartment? A loft apartment is a large, open space with very few (if any) interior walls. It’s very similar to... Category Find Topic Rental Types
What Is a Studio Apartment? A studio apartment, contrary to popular belief, isn’t determined by size. Although the average size... Category Find Topic Rental Types
How to Find the Average Apartment Rent in Any City Have you ever wondered about your rent? Not so much about the rent itself, but why it’s that... Category Find Topic Budget & Affordability
What to Look for When Viewing Floor Plans Online When searching for an apartment online, floor plans provide essential information about the layout... Category Find Topic Apartment Tours
Pro Tips for Finding an Apartment Virtually If your lease is about to expire, you may be wondering about your upcoming apartment search. It may... Category Find Topic Moving In/Out
How to Take a Virtual Apartment Tour When you need to find a new apartment but can’t get out to tour apartments in person, what’s an... Category Find Topic Apartment Tours
Here's How to Find Your Perfect Apartment Online As you start your online apartment search, you might be asking yourself some questions. For example... Category Find Topic Moving In/Out
Questions to Ask When Touring an Apartment Virtually When you need to find a new apartment or house to rent, but you are unable to visit a property in... Category Find Topic Apartment Tours
How to Find an Apartment Trying to find an apartment can be stressful, especially when you aren’t sure what you’re looking... Category Find Topic First Apartment
How to Rent a House Are you considering renting a house? Not sure where to start? Even though the process of renting a... Category Find Topic Rental Types
The Best Places to Keep a Litter Box in Your Small Apartment For any apartment-renting cat owners out there, you’re aware that cats make for good apartment pets... Category Find Topic Pets
Safe Neighborhoods in Tampa Whether you know it as Big Guava or the Lightning Capital of the World, Tampa is a city that blends... Category Find Topic Cities & Neighborhoods