A brightly lit parking lot

The ability to park a car is an acquired skill that takes a lot of practice and patience behind the wheel. Renters that live within city limits and have small parking lots or street parking must be skillful when parking a car, since parking spots are typically tight-fitting and limited in the number of open spaces.

When it comes to your apartment community’s parking lot or garage, parking also requires residents to follow vehicle and parking etiquette.

I think it’s safe to say that someone has annoyed us in the way they drive or park their car. Whether it’s being cut off by another driver and then them stealing the only available spot in the lot, or coming across a car parked so poorly that it takes up two spaces, incidents like these are no fun to deal with and happen way too often. Be courteous to your neighbors and their property by following these seven parking etiquette points in your apartment community:

1. Square Up

On behalf of other drivers, please don’t pull into a parking space so crooked that it inhibits me (or others) from using the adjacent spot. If you notice you pulled in crooked, and your wheels are inside another space, pull the car back out and adjust to align with lines - or "square up." This is all the more important when compact car reserved spots are involved.  

2. Compact Spots are for Compact Cars

Speaking of compact parking spaces, if you have an SUV, truck or large 4-door sedan, these spaces aren’t meant for you. Compact spots are narrower than regular ones, meaning your large Chevy Tahoe isn’t going to fit – and if it does fit, it will be tight and could impede others from entering or exiting their car.

With the invention of electric cars, this etiquette pointer also includes spots with charging stations. Don’t park your car in a space reserved for electric vehicles if you don’t have one.

3. Don’t Ride the Line

Even if you’re in your own space, you can still hinder others from parking if you’re “hugging” one of the lines too closely. A domino effect can occur if one car does a bad parking job, so another has to follow just to be able to fit inside the space. When you get out, look to see where your car is at. If it’s too close to either side of the space, back the car out and try again.

4. When to Yield a Space

If you turn a corner and see someone with their blinker on, indicating they plan to take the spot of the leaving car, yield and let them pull in before continuing. First come, first serve should be the golden rule of thumb for vacant car spaces.  

5. Cruise at Safe Speeds

Darting through a parking lot eager to grab a spot before someone else isn’t just poor etiquette, it’s also dangerous. 20 percent of vehicle accidents happen in parking lots, and you could injure another driver or pedestrian when driving recklessly. Most parking lots have a speed limit of 20 MPH or less. Ask your apartment manager for road rules in your community.

6. Don’t Use Just Any Open Space for Parking

Even if you’re just running in and out, don’t park just anywhere. Make sure it’s a designated spot. I’ve seen cars parked in fire lanes, behind other cars and in handicap spaces with no handicap placard. If you see anyone breaking the rules – or the law- alert the management right away.

7. Waiting for a Parking Spot

This might be the most awkward of all scenarios:

You see someone heading to their car, and vulture-mentality sets in since you’ve been desperate to find an open parking spot. You drive their way and stare them down, watching them ever so slowly place their things in the trunk and eventually drive away.

If you’re caught in a situation where you need to wait on someone or risk losing the spot to another, be patient and give that car plenty of room to get out. Don’t look impatient or aggravated. Instead, be pleasant and wave – after all, they are a fellow renter and neighbor.

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